Dodge Ram Super Bowl Commercial – So God Made a Farmer – Paul Harvey

Ram Super Bowl Commercial - Paul Harvey - God Made a Farmer

Ram Super Bowl Commercial – Paul Harvey – God Made a Farmer


It’s been almost a year since my last blog post. Guess you could say there was either too much to share, or not enough!

Either way, I wanted to shed some light on the recent Dodge Ram Super Bowl commercial. It seems that it struck a cord with many American’s in and outside of the farming community.

Unlike other Super Bowl spots which were product-centric, the Ram farmer commercial was a metaphorical masterpiece. True grit comes to mind when viewing the spot initially. Every hard working American can relate to the amount of sacrifice it takes to steer through life, and this commercial captured the heart of a nation.

Enough about my opinions… Watch the commercial below, and tell me what you think about it!

Signing off,

Miran Maric

In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.
– Paul Harvey